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  • Writer's pictureJessica L

How to see energy!

"Energy can neither be created nor destroyed." This is a very popular phrase we hear in physics a lot. It remains true to this day. Since energy can niether be created nor destroyed you can actually manipulate energy in such a way that you can transfer yours to another persons. Push force against another force transfer kinetic energy. But what if there is some way to see it? What if you can right here right now?


Energy is very powerful and we as beings possess that power. So why not be able to see it? There are people on YouTube who claim they can see it and try to teach you how to do it. When I was younger, in 7th grade, my science teacher was talking about how you cannot see air with the naked human eye. But yet me and my best friend claim that we can see "air". We saw it as particles all around us. Little did we know that those particles were energy. When I was younger I told my mom what I saw and she brushed it off saying I was imagining things and I ignored it ever since. Until today. I realized I was not the only one who saw those particles and I tapped back into the energy frequency once more. So how can you see energy? Only with true focus and utter belief are you able to tap into this frequency. You can take time to see it anywhere you go. Here are simple steps to seeing energy.

1. Believe - You must remember what it was like to be a child again and regain all the imagination you once lost due to the conditioning of society. You must believe that energy is there (which is proven my scientists) and that you are able to see it.

2. Clear your mind- Having a busy mind doesn't allow you to properly focus and see the energy well enough.

3. Focus- Focusing on the energy you allow your brain to tap into the frequency and thus see energy happening.

If these steps are not working try staring at a light and with your peripheral vision you are able to see the little particles dancing around. I hope this helps!

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