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  • Writer's pictureJessica L

The meaning of life

Many people ask what is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of why you are living? The truth is is that there is no set answer. The only true answer, that I believe, is that life is all about striving to be the best version of yourself that you can be every single day that you are on this earth. Unfortunately, many people's life centers around money which can make them blind to the amazing opportunities in their life and the amazing people that surround them. Making money is their main goal and it makes since because money = survival. But they shouldn’t waste their lives with laser focus on making money. Yes, money is important to learn but the life you are living shouldn’t be all about money. You should strive for what makes you happy. So, what does makes you happy? Is it being creative? Being the best programmer you can be? Horseback riding? Life is so full of experiences and opportunities it can be overwhelming. If you want the destination you have to get started with the journey. Which goes to say that it is not all about the destination but the journey.

Life is all about improving and being a better version of you every single day. Maybe that means being the best person for your family or being very knowledgeable in your classes to get that 4.0 GPA because you strive to be much higher than yourself. I don’t believe that there is an answer to life because it’s not plausible. Your chasing your tail for answers that may not even be there and before you know it your whole life passes by. Asking yourself what you wished you did on your dying bed or wishing for things to of been different doesn’t matter. What matters is the now. The position and situation you are in right now you can build and mold to what you want out of your life. Right now you are the youngest you can be and you can decide what do you want to do with your knowledge, body, and power? To make a difference in the world you have to start with making a difference in yourself. The now is when you experiment with what you like and don’t like by trying new things. The now is the most important part of your life. Maybe you are alive for a reason. But what’s the point of that reason if your not naturally aiming towards it or drawn towards it because many people are key focused on money. Another important thing to remember is that everyone’s path is different. Just like everyone has strengths and weaknesses; What you need to do right now is highlight your strengths and not focus too immensely on your weaknesses. Everyone has their own book and chapter that they are writing everyday so what do you want your book or chapter to be about? Horror? Drama? Inspirational? Adventurous? Try to begin by taking 15 minutes out of your busy schedule everyday to practice on what you like to do. Me, personally, I am going to begin coding and see where that journey takes me. Try it; see what happens. You may be surprised that the little task you are doing for yourself each day can lead you to making yourself the amazing person that you have dreamt of.

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