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  • Writer's pictureJessica L

How to get in the right mindset for college

If you want a high GPA you are going to have to believe in yourself more than just going through the daily study motions. You need to talk well about yourself and encourage yourself that you can do this. Remember challenges are for you to grow and improve. College is a tough learning experience with teachers being hard on you resulting in you being hard on yourself thinking that you can’t do it because your teacher said so. Which is untrue. If you continue this mindset of thinking your not smart enough then those thoughts will keep persisting so you must stop it know before that little snowball turns big at the end of the mountain. Here are some tips to help get you mentally prepare for college:

1. Try to remember that college is a learning experience

Keep calm and keep learning. That is what you are paying for so try to enjoy what you learn by being engaged in the material.

2. Establish what your professor expects from you ahead of time

Doing this will help make it easier for you to take notes on the chapter your reading if you know what he/she wants from you and what his/her goals are for this course

3. Fake it till you make it

Hate studying? Hate the material your learning? My advice for that is fake it till you make it. Read the material and try to pretend to be interested in it. If you still can’t pretend to be interested then read the material in a funny voice. This will make it so you enjoy the content your reading and increase engagement and focus on the material

4. When in doubt ask your professor

Professors are there to help you not hurt you. Don’t be afraid to keep asking questions if you still don’t understand the material because that is what you are paying them for

5. Plan a flexible schedule

For me I can’t seem to stick to fixed schedules and if your like that too then make room out of your day saying at this time, for 30 min to an hour i’m going to study for one of my classes, whichever one you feel like studying for. Also, plan very early in the semester so you can take your long lists of to do’s into manageable chunks where you can synthesize your information. This is what I am currently doing right now. Which follows my next advice and that is to listen to your internal clock.

6. Listen to your internal clock

Some people are morning people while others are night people. If your focused at a certain hour of the night encourage yourself and start studying if you can’t fall asleep. People are different and so is their focus hour. Find what hour you have great focus and plan your nap routine accordingly.

7. Do not overload yourself!!!

There is no rush in getting out of school early, if there is I’m sorry, but if you can don’t try to go through college as fast as you can because there's more disadvantaged than that 1 benefit of leaving early. If you overload you will start stressing and go into turmoil which you don’t want to do. You want to get what you paid for and that is to learn new things and get a degree with good looking grades.

8. Believe in yourself

Keep telling yourself everyday that “i can do this. I am not afraid of challenges” If you get a bad grade on a test do not be discouraged! You found a study method that didn’t work for you so remember what you did and how you studied and take it in a different direction. A lot of people learn studying in different ways and you are no different. I personally know it helps me to draw images and read out loud to myself. Also, I don’t know how to take notes very well so I found that I was writing down too much irrelevant information. Don’t do that take my second tip to heart and learn what the professor expects. I asked my professor today on what her tips are for taking her online open notes reading quizzes and she surprisingly told me not to take notes! She told me to skim through the chapter and circle what I don’t understand and review it and take the quiz. This is where doing less is more.

9. Believe you already received the great grade

This stems from the book called the secret and if you believe you already have it along with the feelings of feeling great and happy then you will receive it.

10. Find apps that work for you

I personally like to plan out my course syllabus in advance. It alerts you and is flexible if you want to change the homework assignment then no problem it's easy to do. Totally free. Another great website if you want to practice free college exams is googling “site:edu [subject] exam”

I hope these tips gave you a new direction to tackle your school problems! Let me know if this works or are confused about some tips in the comments down below on my home page!

Happy studying!

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